Series Logline
Eight people from different walks of life find themselves trapped aboard an ancient sentient spaceship marooned on earth, and quickly become ensnared in the complex political struggle of the ship's once and present home.
Awakening after 26,000 years of dormancy, the frazzled artificial intelligence of the recently discovered ship attempts to find its home - unwittingly bringing the lost "crew" of suburban Middle Americans into contact with the inhabitants of a vast space-faring Empire.
Descendants of humans kidnapped from Earth in pre-history, the Empire; a four ruler tetrarchy referred to as "Sothian", unrelenting hounds the "alien ship" and its crew, plying their propaganda machine, religion and armed forces (comprised mainly of slaves) against them.
Struggling to find sustenance as well as allies, the crew of "Challenger" (as they soon dub it), quickly become caught between the brutal repression of the state and the desperation of its enemies - all leading to our protagonists willing involvement in an escalating civil war between two diametrically opposed claimants to one of the Empire's thrones.